This weekend June 27th will mark the 18th week of pregnancy!
*This week, the baby is about 5 1/2 inches long, or about the length of a large tomato.
*Your baby's skeleton continues to harden during the 18th week of your pregnancy. The leg bones and inner ear bones are the first to ossify (harden).
*Your baby now can hear! He/She might hear your heart beat or your tummy gurgle.
*He/She might hear loud sounds outside the womb.
Nelson has been playing music on the stereo so the baby can hear it. His choice of music? Jazz!
20 more days and we get to see the baby on the ultra sound again. At this appointment on July 14th, we will get to learn the sex of the baby! I think for us knowing the sex will create an even stronger bond between us and the little monkey.
Adelee & Gordie are well aware that aunt Jenny has a baby growing in her belly. Martha brought the kids over to surprise me with some gifts for the baby that they picked out on their own! Additionally I've got a bag of gifts to open each week of the pregnancy...I'm blown away at the amount of love that this little monkey is creating from the womb. What a special time.
Besides pregnancy - Nelson continues to work hard on landing work in the NHL or writing. He's doing a great job and I'm so happy and proud of him. My work has also been fun and rewarding...
We have a summer trip planned that we're looking forward to in July. We will take a drive from Los Angeles to Seattle, spend about 5 days in Seattle and then take a new path back to CA through the middle of Oregon to see Bend, OR and Crater Lake National Park!
Sending out lots of love! Happy Summer!
Love, Jenny