Mary (my mother in law) and Martha (my sister in law) threw the most elegant and beautiful 1st wedding shower for me in February. Guests included my bridesmaids Amber, Molly, & Martha and friends Elizabeth, Prudence, Shaheen, & Simone. My mom was in town, so it was a lovely fun event with the ladies! We enjoyed homemade scones, cookies, sandwiches, and tea while playing the helarious toilet paper wedding dress game!
In May we traveled to Seattle for joint wedding showers. My aunt Margaret and my dear friend Alison threw a beautiful wedding shower for me with friends and family, and my dad threw a "man shower" for Nelson over at my parents home. It was such a delightful celebration, I only hoped it could have lasted a lot longer. I was sincerely blown away at how many people came.
At the end of May Nelson and I traveled to Las Vegas to celebrate our birthdays (me 30, he 31). We stayed at The Golden Nugget and they decided to upgrade us when we checked in...
We went to the most incredible dinner at Hugo's in The Four Queens. It was perhaps one of the best meals we've ever enjoyed! Steak, Lobster, Salad and great company. We heard about this place from the FedEx lady who delivers to our office.
4th of July weekend we traveled to Michigan for yet another wedding shower! We flew into Detroit to visit Chuck's (my father in law) family. We first went to meet Rose, Nelson's grandmother and then went to visit with Patti (Nel's Aunt), Di (uncle), Patrick (cousin), other friends and family. What a great family!!!
We drove from Detroit to Dowagiac in the eastern part of Michigan. Dowagiac is where Mary (my mother in law) grew up. Her sister Carol, & brother Ed live there and Carol along with her daughter and her husband Art run the family furniture store. The store was first owned and started by Mary's parents. The store was wonderful! It is so beautiful and has everything anyone could want.
That day Carol threw a huge shower for me and Nel! So many people came that I had not met before, so it was a great introduction into his family. This night was my first introduction to fireflys. I'd never seen them before! I thought they were sparks from a fire or something! We celebrated our engagement while Cindy & Joe Burke (Mary & Chucks close family) celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary. The next day we drove to Ann Arbor to stay with Joe & Cindy and go out to dinner to celebrate their actually wedding anniversary. And a cool bit of knowledge is that Mary & Chuck met at Cindy and Joe's wedding 34 years ago!! So of course I asked them, "what is it that keeps you guys together, and going strong after all these years?" and Cindy relied "being good friends to each other."
While in Michigan we got the call from Chuck (Nelson's brother) that their baby boy was born! Gordon Russel Kaiton, our nephew!

I took one last trip to Seattle to finalize details for the wedding and then August 19th (5 days before the big day) we flew up to Seattle. It was the most wonderful event of our lives, and we had so many friends and family come to town. There were hicups along the way, but we handled them the way we always do...laugh about it!

After the wedding, Nelson and I honeymooned up in Leavenworth, WA. We took a quiet drive through Cle Elum to visit our favorite coffee shop Pioneer Coffee Company, and then an hour later of driving through the mountains we were at our destination. I'm so happy we chose such a beautiful spot to vacation, we have nothing but great memories of our trip.
In October we traveled to Michigan again for cousin Audrey's wedding (Carol's daughter). Audrey and Adam had the most beautiful wedding, and I just remember dancing my butt off with Nelson! We got to see aunt Nat there, and some other family members including Patti, Di, uncle Ed and aunt Diane. It was fun being married and going to a wedding!
Thanksgiving rolled around and we decided to stay in LA. We got all the food, and cooked our first Thanksgiving meal together. I made 2 pumpkin pies, garlic mashed potatoes, french string beans, yummy stuffing, biscuits, gravy, and an organic 11 pound turkey. Russ & Chuck (Nel's brothers) joined us for the feast!
Christmas was white for us in 2008. Seattle saw one of the biggest blizards since 1996 just 5 days before Christmas and we were able to enjoy the snow and cold weather during our visit. Mom and I even cross country skiied to The Roanoke for lunch!!

It's now a new year, and all we can talk about is when we can have a baby!! : ) We'll keep you posted on our progress.
beautiful update jen! We miss you!
beautiful update jen! We miss you!
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