Happy Fall!
We took a well deserved trip to Connecticut in October. The fall colors were breath taking and the company made us feel right at home.
Here are some photos from Charlie's wedding (Nel's childhood friend,)dinner at The Forrests and Yankee Candle factory.

We also took our first camping trip in California! Lord knows we've been here awhile, and finally we got out with Chuck, Martha & the kids for a little getaway. : ) After camping we went to the apple orchards in the Santa Barbara mountains where folks go to pick apples, pumpkins or make their own cider.

My job has changed for the best! I am now working with highly popular music in a music publishing company called Opus19. It's a sister company to where I was doing licensing, and it's a welcomed new change!
Nel continues to write and be creative. It's a joy to read his work.
My brother is in a new musical showing in Santa Monica. Dad is down this weekend from Seattle and we saw it twice over the weekend. Scott is so talented and it's pure joy to watch him perform.
I'm thrilled the holiday season is upon us, it brings up joy and happiness in my heart. Yesterday I purchased 4 vinyl Christmas albums to kick off the season! Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Duke Elington & Jazz Mix.
Until next time...we wish you lots of love and blessings.
Jen & Nel
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