Tuesday, April 19, 2005

hemp cereal

Well, I had an audition this afternoon that I decided to not go to because I as not feeling it with their music. I'm really glad I listened to how I felt about it rather that just going, doing it and wasting time.

I got to go to lunch with people from work for the first time today.
We actually walked about 4 LA blocks which is like 1/2 a mile!!!!
We went to a great sushi place, and I'm sure I'll be going back. It's nice to find good sushi places, and I find it is very very popular in LA.

I am looking forward to being more creative with my art, and getting the supplies I need to make it happen. And the supplies I need are not very expensive! I also met a guy who sandblasts glass, and he said he could cater to my needs! And the best part is that he happens to live 2 blocks from my house.

I got a call from a friend from my old job today at my new job! She just called to say she missed me and that we should get cocktails sometime! How cool is that? It was so great to hear her voice let alone get a fun invitation to hang out!!

And what is is about boys, I am sort of putting myself out there, and I'm finding that guys can be very aggressive about wanting to get to know a girl. I have had a couple guys ask for my number right away before they even check to see if I'm crazy or not...
Perhaps this is all childs play for some girls, I am just not used to it, I guess I have a lot to learn?

And I am thinking of sending my friend Stephen a gift for his birthday which is next week.
I just met him, and I have a hat I have been knitting for awhile, and thought I might just end it and send it to him, plus a box of hemp cereal from Trader Joes...what a great birthday gift.
Hippy cereal, and a hat to wear that I made. Am I getting old or what!!! LOL

your pal jen

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