Monday, May 02, 2005

Those little things

I was thinking the other day about what makes each of us unique and makes us different from the person next to us.
Things that I know about myself, that are just the way I am...
I love eating popcorn and finding those kernels with the small white puff on the top, and I bite that puff off from the kernel, and I let it melt in my mouth.
I adore driving, or being a passenger in a car blasting really really good music.
I can not only curl my tongue, I can make it a 3 clover flower.
I love listening to music on these amazing headphones I have and knitting while sitting up in my bed.
I love Christmas movies, no matter how bad they are, same goes for baseball movies.
I love any form of chocolate with nuts, preferably almonds...
I am meticulous about my handwriting, especially when writing a letter, I have to make usre it's aesthetically pleasing to the eye, have been that way since about 8 years old.
I love taking a weekend get away at the last minute, even if it's by myself.
I'm sure there's a ton more, but they are not flowing from my brain as fast as I'd like...

It's just those little things about us that are so fun.

Your pal Jen

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